A cake celebrating our stay and Merlon's birthday, the day before our return to Canada.At first when I had the idea to come to Cuba, many people said, “You want to study theology and music in Cuba...really?!” Well...here I am!
And I am here thanks to the people and organizations who have supported me, who have believed in this project.
I want to pause and say “thank you!” Last week we had a chapel meditation on being light for the world as we walked the Labyrinth. I am here walking for a while with my Cuban sisters and brothers, just as they are walking with me. Sometimes the pathway is complicated, but we keep on walking. I try to hold in my heart the spirit of generosity that has enabled us to be here so that I might pass it on, here, and when I get back to Canada.
To all the folks at Emmanuel College at the University of Toronto, thank you! Thank you for believing in the idea of a formal exchange with the seminary in Matanzas. Thank you for putting up with my plans and the enormous change of plans that was necessary when David got sick. Thanks to Fred and Michael for working with me to shape an academic plan. Thanks to Wanda for dealing with all the administrative complexities. Thank you for financial support. Above all, thank you for believing in the rich rewards of intercultural experience and education.
To the Anglican church – thank you! Thanks especially to Bishop Patrick Yu who was the first person to get behind the project. Your vote of confidence and your financial support helped me believe that it would indeed be possible. Thanks for believing in the importance of music leadership in the church – a music leadership that is vital and relevant, partnering with other forces in the church for a vibrant future. Thanks also to the National Church who also supported my vision.
Thank you to the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Matanzas for making this project happen. I especially appreciate the support of David and Alan’s visit and the circle of angels who looked after David (and me) when a stay in the hospital became necessary.
Thank you to my professors both in Canada and here in Cuba.
Thank you to my own community of Holy Trinity Anglican church who have nurtured my thinking and given me the freedom to take a study leave for my own benefit and hopefully for the benefit of the wider church. So many friends have walked with me for this and many other journeys.
Thanks especially to my friends and family who have supported me along the way, even when they think I’m a bit crazy to be doing what I’m doing. Thank you especially to Alan who’s enthusiastic support and willingness to stay at home and be with our son David made this journey possible at all. Thank you also to David – you are so brave and strong!! Thank you for looking after your Dad while I’ve been gone. I am so glad you both got to visit. We’ll be home soon – I can hardly wait to see you!! Thank you to Emma who is just the best travel companion there is.
Thank you to all our friends here in Cuba. My heart fills with a tender nostalgia when I anticipate how I will miss you. Thank you for opening your homes and hearts to us. A little part of us will stay here with you!